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December 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue
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Hitachi HT7700 TEM RW021A0
Chandresh, Winnik lab
Chandresh, Winnik lab
Shunsuke, Keller lab
Garion, Seferos lab
Shaofei, Winnik Lab
Shaofei, Winnik Lab
Suja, Santerre Lab
Chandresh, Winnik lab
Shaofei; Winnik lab; 437-987-7969
Chandresh, Winnik lab
Shaofei; Winnik lab; 437-987-7969
Elsa, Winnik, 8-0150
Shunsuke, Keller Lab
Shaofei, Winnik Lab
Shaofei, Winnik Lab
Shaofei, Winnik Lab
Dj-Winklbauer 8-1790
DJ - Winklbauer 8-1790
Shaofei, Winnik Lab
Suja, Santerre Lab
Chandresh, Winnik lab
Chandresh; Winnik lab; 416-805-3577
godt. 978-8714
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Hitachi SU3500 SEM RW021A0
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Happy Holidays from the Imaging Facility
Leica TCSSP8 FOV RW019D0
Samuel -Ringuette Lab 6-7219
Rosiey - Plotnikov 6479398910
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Haoyu (Bruce Lab) 647-984-7568
Alana W; 4169498613 ;T Sage
Amad - Godt lab - (647) 822-6502
Godt Lab; Emily; 647-283-8327
DJ - Winklbauer 8-1790
Godt Lab; Emily; 647-283-8327
Ajay and Henry; Plotnikov; 416-804-6399
Jessica (Woodin - 88646)
Sirma (Bruce Lab) 6-7218
Sirma (Bruce Lab) 6-7218
Emily Dong - Chang/Tropepe Lab - 780-862-3771
Tirthankar (Harris, 6-7225)
Amad - Godt lab - (647) 822-6502
Godt Lab; Emily; 647-283-8327
Godt Lab; Emily; 647-283-8327
Sirma (Bruce Lab) 6-7218
Parama- Tepass 67221
Emily Dong - Chang/Tropepe Lab - 780-862-3771
Sirma (Bruce Lab) 6-7218
Haoyu (Bruce lab) 647-984-7568
Jessica (Woodin - 88646)
Jeff (Tropepe, 647-244 2686)
Jin Godt Lab 647-892-1201
Haoyu Wan (Bruce Lab) 6479847568
Jeff (tropepe 67218)
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Alana W; Tsage; 4169498613
Taraneh (Moses lab)
Joyce_Tammy Sage_4165774899
Alana W; TSage; 4169498613
Emilio - Tropepe (289 68 8485)
Amad (Godt lab) 6478226502
Tara - Tropepe - 437 217 0676
Emilio - Tropepe (289 688 8485)
Taraneh (Moses lab)
Leica TCSSP8 Res RW019C0
Amanda (Tropepe, 647-378-3947)
milena 416-827-9095
Parama- Tepass lab 67221
Amanda (Tropepe, 647-378-3947)
Gayaanan, Tepass 6-7221
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Tara; Tropepe lab; 437-217-0676
d godt 978-8714
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Haoyu (Bruce Lab) 647-984-7568
Parama- Tepass lab 67221
Emilio (Tropepe) 6-0593
Morley Bruce lab 647 922 1162
Gayaanan, Tepass 6-7221
Parama-Tepass 67221
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Milena 4168279095
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Milena 4168279095
Parama- Tepass lab 67221
Tara - Tropepe - 437 217 0676
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Parama- Tepass lab 67221
Emilio - Tropepe (289 688 8485)
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Ajay-Plotnikov Lab
Tara - Tropepe - 437 217 0676
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Milena 416-827-9095
Kenana - Tepass 6-7221
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Gayaanan, Tepass 6-7221
Kenana - 416-7324432
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Amanda (Tropepe, 647-378-3947)
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Kenana - Tepass - 416-732-4432
Gerald; Tepass lab: (416) 835 0468
Emilio - Tropepe (289 688 8485)
Parama- Tepass 67221
Kenana - Tepass Lab 416-732-4432
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Parama- Tepass lab 67221
Tara - Tropepe - 437 217 0676
Milena and Meggie 647-981-0198
David Green; Tepass; 365-888-4798
Nikon SD RW5180
Rebecca (Harris Lab 67225)
Rebecca (Harris Lab 67225)
Jessica (Harris 67225)
Erin (Harris)
Rebecca (Harris Lab 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tirthankar (Harris, 6-7225)
Erin (Harris)
Rebecca (Harris Lab 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Erin (Harris)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Rebecca (Harris Lab 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Jessica (Harris 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)
Tao Jiang (Harris, 67225)